Posted in Learning Project

Harvesting food….ideas

A great internet resource I’ve managed to find to help with Diabetic/Transplant cooking has been Allrecipes. There is so much more depth to this website than simply being a recipe sharing page.
For instance, you can cater the recipes you are presented with by editing your preferences.  You can also share, subscribe to, create grocery lists, watch videos of the recipe being cooked (hello visual learners), review, add friends, photos, and personal recipes to the site.
After I set up my profile, I edited my food preferences to select the kinds of recipes to show up  on the front page after I login.
Because I am an efficient (see lazy) cook, I also subscribed to “Quick and Easy” recipes. I consider it the Holy Grail when I can find a complete meal recipe with five ingredients or less. Bonus points if they are common ingredients I already have.
Here is a shot of my preference page on Allrecipes:
You can see where I subscribed to “Diabetic” and “Heart-Healthy” recipes above.
So what is really cool, is that now as soon as I log in, Allrecipes will display meal suggestions based on my preferences. See below where a bunch of different ideas are offered, categorized by my preferences:

If I see something I like, I can save it to my favorites by simply clicking the heart icon on the recipe. Here is where it gets interesting: I can save it under pre-loaded categories, or I can create my own. We eat a lot of chicken in my family. Its affordable, its healthier than other meats, and it is ooooh so versatile. This recipe passed the salt and sugar test, and I know that Spare Parts loves mustard of all forms, so I had to add it to my favorites. I created my own chicken category though so that when I am inevitably staring at my thawing breasts in the sink I can come to this place quickly for inspiration. Winner Winner Chicken Dinners! No seriously, that’s what I categorized it under. WWCD

So that is Allrecipes in a Nutshell. The user-friendliness of the site is a plus for me, and the diverse recipe content is a definite plus for finding food that matches our needs and desires in my family. Did I mention that they have an app?!

2 thoughts on “Harvesting food….ideas

  1. This website looks and sounds similar to Pinterest! I love how easy it seems to use! Thank you for including screenshots! Super helpful! Seems like your learning project is going well and I cannot wait to read more! I love how you chose such a different project.


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